Jun 1
Why choose to stay in an Airbnb over a hotel?
Heading out for a holiday is great. We live in a beautiful world and exploring various countries and cities to become immersed in a culture is the best way to learn. However, while on your holiday, you will have to find proper accommodations and depending on where you choose to visit, that could mean the need to camp or utilise one of the many hotels in the area. Budgeting for the right accommodations is key to the success of your trip and today, there are more than just simple hotels, hostels, and campsites to choose from. Airbnb’s have far more advantages over hotels and other vacation rental options, so here are just some of the few reasons you will enjoy when you choose the right Airbnb.
Increased Space

One of the biggest disadvantages of renting a hotel is the lack of space. Generally, when a hotel is built, owners often attempt to pack as many rooms into the allotted space as possible to increase their overall revenue. That means, you will get the minimum space possible for the amount of people that share the same space, so if you rent a hotel room with space for 4 people, you will have very little room to move about depending on how much space is required for each person according to local codes of the area. Some travel destinations do not even have required space, so hotel rooms can become even more cramped. It is fine for just one or two people, but for a family or group of friends, a hotel room is completely impractical.
Airbnb’s are often far more spacious than a standard hotel room. Instead of just having one room with 1 or 2 beds and a small bathroom, you can choose to find an Airbnb with plenty of space for everyone. Everyone can, potentially have their very own room and bathroom with a full living room space, kitchen, and some even have additional game rooms to provide even more space to spread out. In general, an Airbnb rental is far superior to your average hotel room when it comes to space and if the indoor space were not enough for you, most Airbnb’s have additional porch and outdoor space to keep everyone happy. The space gained by an Airbnb is far more appropriate for enjoying your trip to any destination.
More Amenities
Average hotel amenities include, beds, TV, bathroom, maybe a hair dryer and a coffee maker with some hotel chains offering a simple breakfast. These amenities are fine if you are a lone traveler, but with so many families and friend groups traveling together these days, more is always better and Airbnb’s have the ability to offer their guest far more amenities than the average hotel.
Specialised amenities such as games, movies, hot tubs, pools, specialty breakfasts, and coffees, are far more enticing than what hotel rooms offer. Airbnb owners and Airbnb management companies make it their business to ensure the overall comfort and care for guests. That means, special requests are far easier to accommodate and additional amenities are no problem. The owner and management company works to ensure that every need, want, or desire is taken care of for the guest instead of just focusing on filling up a space like hotels do. More amenities means more enjoyment for every holiday in an Airbnb.
More Insight Into the Location
One of the worst things about traveling is finding where to go and what to do. Where there are certain locations that are attractive because of specific attractions, it still pays to know something about the area. Generally speaking, when you choose to stay in a hotel you will find limited information about the area as many hotel owners and managers do not even live in the same area as the hotel. They are paid to check guests in, check them out, and ensure everyone has the appropriate towels. Rarely will you ever encounter a hotel receptionist that will take time to help you choose what to do and information given in the lobby of most hotels through pamphlets do not provide ample information on smaller, localised attractions.
Inside information on local attractions only comes from those that live in the destination you are visiting. Airbnb owners and management companies like Moa and Kin for Airbnb properties in Bath, truly know the area where you are visiting. They can have inside information on when is the best time to visit the local museum to avoid crowds or the best, low key restaurant in the area that has yet to make the big tourist books. Locals always know the best insights about an area and when you rely simply on books and tourist websites for information, you can miss a lot of what makes a destination so special, so always ask the Airbnb management company about the area you intend on visiting.
Airbnb management companies are the best resources for any holiday, so never think you are stick with just staying at a hotel or finding a place to camp for the night. Airbnb’s are the best way to travel and the only way to truly enjoy time with family and friends in destinations throughout the world.